Talent Engagement

Developing Great Leaders in the Workplace – Guest Column

Powered By EmbedPress Opinion: Can Leadership Skills Still Make a Big Difference Today? By Zee Tan, August 2023 “Great leaders develop other leaders” In the age of technology and growing AI capabilities, it’s natural to think that computers can outperform human functions and eventually replace us. While that may be true for certain skills, our […]

Flexible Work Arrangements Singapore – The Future of Work

The workplace has evolved and has impacted the future of work. COVID-19 has not only brought about changes in the job market, making certain jobs obsolete while creating new ones, but also significantly affected how we work now and in the future. One major change is the formal introduction of Flexible working Arrangement in Singapore. […]

Hiring Challenges 2024: Challenges in Hiring Employees

In 2024, remote work is still the name of the game. But with it come some tricky hurdles for HR teams. From snagging the right talent to fine-tuning recruitment and talent acquisition, companies are in for a ride. Let’s dive into the world of HR challenges and how to ace these hiring challenges including remote […]

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