Workplace Culture

How Can a 50 Year Old Get A Job? Advice for Senior Workers

Are you more than 50 years old and worried that nobody would want to hire senior workers? Is this the reason why you are reluctant to leave your current job to find something more satisfying? Before you answer “Yes”, we want to tell you why you should not be worried about being a senior worker. […]

5 Steps To Resign With Grace

Importance of Resigning with Grace Resigning from a job is a significant career milestone that should be approached with grace and professionalism. We once had a client share with us an alarming story. He explained that an employee had tendered his resignation – through WhatsApp! When the employee was questioned on his method of resignation, […]

Developing Great Leaders in the Workplace – Guest Column

Powered By EmbedPress Opinion: Can Leadership Skills Still Make a Big Difference Today? By Zee Tan, August 2023 “Great leaders develop other leaders” In the age of technology and growing AI capabilities, it’s natural to think that computers can outperform human functions and eventually replace us. While that may be true for certain skills, our […]

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